Sewer Ejector Pump Installation in Gilbert AZ


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What is a sewer ejector pump?

If you have a toilet, shower, or sink lower than the sewer line, you’ll need a sewer ejector pump. A sewer ejector pump has a few components; an input line, a tank, float, pump, and an outlet. The sewer ejector pumps slices, chops, and ejects the waste upwards to the sewer line once the waste and float meet a certain limit. When this pump breaks, you'll have a problem on your hands as the waste can't drain.

Common Problems with Sewer Ejectors

Clogged Sewer Ejector Pump

Grease and non-waste items such as debris or flushed toiletries can clog your ejector pump. Plus, these debris are not healthy for your entire plumbing system and can cause a clog anywhere within it. Once your sewer ejector pump can't work properly, it'll leave waste where it shouldn't be.

Broken Float

Inside of the sewer ejector pump’s tank is a small floating device called a "float." The float indicates to the pump when the tank is full and ready to pump into the sewer line. Overtime, the waste can wear these floats down and the pump loses its ability to register when the tank is full. When this happens, the waste can overfill the tank, causing sewage problems.

Smelling Sewage 

If the sewer ejector pump does not work properly, it will create a sewage problem. If you smell sewage in your basement, call Cure All Plumbing immediately. We’ll be able to locate the problem, evacuate the sewage, and begin any necessary repairs. 

*Do not breathe in vapors and gases from sewage waste. The vapors are highly toxic! If you smell sewage in your home, have your family and pets go outside or spend time somewhere else.*


When To Have Your Sewer Ejector Pump Looked At

Sewage Smells

If you smell sewage, give us a call as soon as possible. Sewage fumes are toxic! If you smell them, it’s a good chance your sewer ejector pump has failed. Once we’ve arrived on site, we’ll identify the root cause of the pump’s failure and evacuate the sewage. Then, we’ll figure out a plan to either fix or replace the pump depending on the root cause.

The Pump Makes Constant Noise

All machines age with time and use. If you’re hearing mysterious noises coming from your pump, it might be time to have it looked at. These noises can range from clanging to always running a cycle.

The Pump Doesn’t Turn On

If your sewer ejector pump isn’t turning on or running a cycle, be suspicious. If your tank is filled with sewage, it can become toxic and endanger your family. If it’s not turning on, it could be a simple fix. Make sure it’s plugged in or is getting enough power from the outlet. If it’s plugged in and everything appears to be normal, but it still won’t turn on, it might be a mechanical issue. Give us a call if you have any questions.

When and How to Service Your Sewer Ejector Pump

You should have your sewer ejector pump cleaned every few years. Properly maintaining it will help the sewage run through smoothly and drain properly. Call Cure All Plumbing if you’d like to have your sewer ejector pump inspected and cleaned.

 Frequently Asked Questions


+ How long will my sewer ejector pump last?

Make sure to keep record of when you bought and installed your sewer ejector pump. Typically, when these pumps are well-maintained, they should last upwards of twenty years.

+ Is my sewer ejector pump broken?

If the sump pump malfunctions and sewage water is not evacuated, it could fill up your tub and shower pans. If you find sewage where it shouldn't be, call Cure All Plumbing as soon as possible.

+ How much does it cost to repair a sewer ejector pump?

Depending on the repair requirements, you can expect the repair to cost anywhere from $250 - $500. If we need to replace the pump, it could double or triple the cost of the repair. If it’s just a simple line blockage, the repair cost shouldn't be significant.


 Cure All Plumbing Reviews

 Contact Cure All Plumbing

Don’t take your chances with a broken sewer ejector pump! The toxic gases and possibilities of harm aren’t worth it. Give us a call as soon as you notice the sewage backing up. If you have terrible sewage smells coming from somewhere in the home, don't delay. We’ll be right over to evacuate the sewage, locate the problem, and work to keep you and your family safe.